Armenia's GDP in the second quarter of 2022, according to preliminary data, registered an increase of 13% compared to the same period in 2021. Such data are published on the website of the National Statistical Committee of Armenia.
In nominal terms, Armenia's GDP at market prices amounted to 1,898.8 billion AMD or 4.7 billion USD for the reporting period. GDP per capita at current prices was 641,105 drams, 1,424 dollars or 1,336 euros.
According to the report, in the second quarter of this year, compared to the same period in 2021, the following areas grew more than others: financial and insurance activities - 67.2%, ICT - 30.3%, and construction - 30.2%.
High rates were also recorded in the following industries: accommodation and catering - 28.5%, transportation and logistic - 23.8%, administration and related activities - 22.7%, professional, scientific and technical activities - 17.9%, and education - 13.9%.
Among the areas that showed growth compared to the same period in 2021 are also wholesale and retail trade, car and motorcycle repair - 13.3%, culture, entertainment and recreation - 12.3%, manufacturing - 9.6%, public administration and protection, compulsory social security - 5.9%, supply of electricity, gas, steam and quality air - 4.7%, real estate-related activities - 3.6%, health care and social services of the population - 2.7%, as well as water supply and drainage, waste management and recycling - 0.3%.
The largest decline was registered in the mining industry and open pit operation - 9%. The decline was also registered in the activities of households as employers - 3.2% and in the field of agriculture, forestry and fisheries - 1.5%.